‘U say’ – our employee engagement survey
Last week we’ve started the promotional activities for the ‘U Say 2015’ survey – a company-wide employee engagement questionnaire arranged by SUEZ in the UK every other year. For the third time running we are being supported in this process by the Best Companies, an independent research company that helps organisations gain competitive advantage by measuring, recognising and improving employee engagement levels.
This year, for the first time, all employees will have an opportunity to complete the survey electronically with personalised log in details. Not only is this much more environmentally responsible way of surveying a large group, but it will also speed up response gathering and the feedback process.
This is a key HR project for 2015 and to ensure that as many of our employees have their say we have decided to organise an extensive promotional activities leading up to the survey’s kick off, scheduled for 7th of September.
Nearly 200 employees, at all levels of the company, have been identified as the ‘promoters’ of this initiative and were tasked with encouraging the rest of employees to complete the engagement survey and to answer any queries the employees may have. This is a critical role as we aim for a return rate of 70 per cent this year!
Last week we held three out of five launch events to train our army of survey promoters, and it was great to see their much needed energy and enthusiasm. Reaching a very ambitious return rate won’t be easy, and with over 5,000 employees spread across 300 sites it is quite the logistical challenge too.
I have invested a great deal of time and effort in planning and preparing for this survey, and the senior management of SUEZ are committed whole heartedly to ensure that we listen to our employees and act upon their feedback.