Key stage one
These free downloadable resources cover key stage one of the National Curriculum.
You will find two lesson presentations for the class and the associated easy-to-follow lesson plans with printable resources to support the learning in teachers’ notes. Packed with a variety of activities, children will find these interactive lessons engaging and fun. You will also find three upcycling activity presentations.

Key stage one | Lesson one presentation

Key stage one | Lesson one teachers' notes

Key stage one | Lesson two presentation

Key stage one | Lesson two teachers' notes

Activity | Upcycling an egg box

Activity | Upcycling a plastic milk bottle

Activity | Upcycling a toilet roll tube
Key stage two
These free downloadable resources cover key stage two of the National Curriculum.
You will find four lesson presentations for the class (two lower and two upper) and the associated easy-to-follow lesson plans with printable resources to support the learning in teachers’ notes. You will also find two upcycling activity presentations.

Lower key stage two | Lesson one presentation

Lower key stage two | Lesson one teachers' notes

Lower key stage two | Lesson two presentation

Lower key stage two | Lesson two teachers' notes

Upper key stage two | Lesson one presentation

Upper key stage two | Lesson one teachers' notes

Upper key stage two | Lesson two presentation

Upper key stage two | Lesson two teachers' notes

Activity | Upcycling CDs

Activity | Upcycling a cereal box
Key stage three and four
For key stage three and four students, we have developed a series of videos to support the learning around STEM careers. Science, technology, engineering and maths workers play a key role in sustained growth and innovation within our industry.
Studying STEM subjects – science, technology, engineering and maths – at school can open the door to an amazing career at SUEZ. A real passion for numbers, maths and computers could lead to a role as a Technical Analyst, or a love of chemistry could lead to being a Process Engineer.
STEM subjects are used in many areas of our business, but it is also useful to have skills and qualities such as problem-solving skills, communication skills, teamwork, organisational skills and accuracy.
There are many roles within the waste, water and sustainable energy industry that these skills are applied to. These short videos will give you a flavour of the diversity of the types of roles STEM subjects link with and the skills required. Our staff featured in these videos give an insight into their role, what they do and their learning journey.
A day in the life at SUEZ with Colin Forrester
STEM Careers: A Day in the Life @ SUEZ with Colin Forrester
Credit: SUEZ UK
STEM Careers: A Day in the Life @ SUEZ with Molly Bell
Credit: SUEZ UK
A day in the life at SUEZ with Molly Bell
Molly is a Technical Plant Engineer at the Teesside energy-from-waste facility.
A day in the life at SUEZ with Amber Nixon
STEM Careers: A Day in the Life @ SUEZ with Amber Nixon
Credit: SUEZ UK
STEM Careers: A Day in the Life @ SUEZ with Martin Rutter
Credit: SUEZ UK
A day in the life at SUEZ with Martin Rutter
Martin is a Process Engineer at the Cornwall energy recovery centre.
A day in the life at SUEZ with Sanjay Patel
STEM Careers: A Day in the Life @ SUEZ with Sanjay Patel
Credit: SUEZ UK
STEM Careers: A Day in the Life @ SUEZ with Rebecca Hawker
Credit: SUEZ UK
A day in the life at SUEZ with Rebecca Hawker
Other resources
SUEZ partnership with STEMlive!
In 2023, the SUEZ team at Severnside energy recovery centre hosted the education resource provider STEMlive to film a lesson for Key Stage 2 students. The recorded lesson gives a behind the scenes look at the energy recovery process and different careers available on the site.
COP26 has launched environment education packs for UK schools and students
Supported by the UK government, COP26 have brought together the best climate resources from across the internet, covering everything from teaching students of all ages about climate change to how you can get your whole school climate ready.
>> Find out more about the resources available at
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