Find out more about our proposed anaerobic digestion facility at our site on Beddington Lane, learn about how anaerobic digestion works, and share your views.

Our proposal

SUEZ has submitted a planning application to build an anaerobic digestion facility on our currently unused site on Beddington Lane. The site is currently vacant and is already allocated for waste use in the South London Waste Plan.


You can view the details of our planning application on Sutton Council’s planning portal. Our planning application reference number is DM2023/01839.


There is a national need to reduce food waste and to recover renewable energy and nutrients from the waste.


It would provide reliable, renewable energy by generating gas – the equivalent needed to supply up to 8,200 homes, by processing up to 100,000 tonnes of food waste a year.


This would turn food waste into a renewable and reliable supply of biomethane gas, as well as digestate, a compost-like soil improver.

Frequently asked questions

Find out the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our proposed Beddington Lane anaerobic digestion facility.

Your views matter

Our consultation period has now ended but we still want to engage with the local community about our plans and seek their views.