
Women in engineering | Q&A with an engineer at SUEZ

Today we mark International Women in Engineering Day to raise awareness of the incredible work women engineers are doing around the world. At SUEZ recycling and recovery UK, we are celebrating our own inspirational engineers across the organisation, who are working hard to make a difference and are leading the way for others to begin a career in engineering.

We caught up with Amber Nixon, Technical Analyst at SUEZ, to find out more about her journey so far, what her role entails and advice she would give to anyone interested in starting a career in engineering.

How did you begin your career in engineering?

I have always had a passion for chemistry and began my career working in an environmental testing laboratory whilst studying part-time. This allowed me to gain both ‘on the job’ experience and theoretical knowledge of the testing I was carrying out. Whilst working at SUEZ, I have continued my studies, gaining both a BSc in Analytical Chemistry and an MSc in Environmental Consultancy, which have given me the knowledge to progress into my current role.

How did you land your current role?

I began my current role, which combines my chemistry background with my passion for the environment, in 2018. During my previous five years working in SUEZ’s internal laboratory, I gained an awareness of environmental compliance and was supported through training, which enabled me to progress into the role of Technical Analyst within the Technical Team.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Woman engineer giving a tour of a facilityThere is no typical day working as a Technical Analyst which is the reason I love coming to work. My working day can include providing onsite training, trouble-shooting chemistry issues with processes, carrying out waste classifications for environmental compliance, providing STEM enrichment to local schools and much more!

What’s your favourite thing about your current role?

I love the variety that my role as company-wide support provides. I get to meet lots of different people, visit many different sites and no two weeks are the same.

How has SUEZ supported your engineering career?

Regardless of gender, SUEZ has a process for identifying an individual’s strengths and deeply rooted company culture encouraging personal and professional development to allow everyone to excel in their area of work. This is vital to individual professional development, but also nurtures teams who are able to collaborate effectively on projects, with everyone bringing different skills to the table and learning from each other. I am also lucky to work as part of an extremely supportive team.

What advice would you give to other women interested in an engineering career?

Never turn down an opportunity to experience something new, as this could lead you to finding the area of engineering that you are passionate about.

At SUEZ, we strive to encourage the next generation of talented individuals to join us and support our vision is to live in a world where there is no more waste. If you’d like to find out more about a career in engineering, or any STEM roles, have a look at our latest job opportunities to begin your first step into a rewarding career.