EPR and consistent recycling collections - what's next for waste and resource policy reform delivery?
Defra was due to publish their response to the EPR and consistent recycling collection consultations along with their plans for next steps and refined details by the end of 2021, but they have been delayed, and we are now expecting Defra’s response in March 2022.
However, deadlines for EPR and consistent collection service reform implementation as yet remain unchanged, giving industry, local government and the entire supply chain less time for implementation and a managed transition. This pressure could undermine the policy objectives and frustrate the value chain, limiting much needed investment and delaying critical decisions from brands, municipalities and reprocessors alike.
So what can we expect from this next consultation window, and what issues need to be solved by Defra in 2022 to get their policy reforms up and running? Join our free webinar to find out from those with the best possible insights. Whilst many sectors await the details of the prior consultation processes and hope for more refined details of the final proposals to reflect and feedback on, what we are certain of is that the changes will be vast and revolutionary. The proposed extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations provide a complete overhaul of the packaging recovery notes (PRN) and the new legislations will bring generational changes to the packaging regulations, with new targets, new funding and new priorities. Consistent collections will ensure the target materials are captured and that the quality of the recyclate matches the end market demands to close this loop. All of this should ensure consumers have simpler decisions to make when it comes to recycling their packaging reinforced by clearer labelling and better packaging design.
Our 60-minute webinar chaired by Dr Adam Read from SUEZ, brings together experts from across the value chain to discuss, dissect and debate how the expected consultation responses and next wave of proposals will pave the way for much needed legislative reform in England. Our panellists (including Wendy Barratt representing ADEPT, Margaret Bates from OPRL and Stuart Hayward-Higham from SUEZ) will present their thoughts about areas of priority, their current concerns and what they are hoping for in terms of the next steps and the final details. The panel will discuss what needs to be solved this year to get the policy reforms implemented and the transition plan back on track.
As always, the panel will have plenty of time for questions from the audience, and polls will be used to gauge the mood of the audience. So don’t miss out on this opportunity to reflect on what is important for your organisation in terms of these reforms and the likely process of engagement. The session should be of interest to anyone who has been involved in the consultations to date, who might be involved in shaping future consultation responses and to any business that will be affected by the upcoming reforms.
- Watch the recording