Metrics for circular economy
As we enter 2023 our primary focus must be on how we deliver a low carbon economy, since we cannot meet our 2050 targets without redressing our consumption patterns. Unfortunately, the Environment Act has failed to provide the necessary target to drive us towards reduced consumption, claiming it was too hard to develop a metric that would accurately reflect resource productivity and be simple enough to monitor and report on – so what’s next?
In this webinar, our expert speakers will draw on their preparations for the Environment Bill consultation and the key targets and discuss what the UK government needs to do in 2023 to get resource productivity back at the heart of the agenda. Could we set up a single target for resource productivity to drive the desired changes in consumption, enable waste prevention and empower reuse and repair? Could we use waste data to accurately reflect the economy and use this as a proxy instead of creating new tools and metrics?
Join our panel to discuss their work to date, their hopes for 2023, and what they think we could do now to get the resource productivity target back on track. The discussion will explore what such targets, tools and metrics could mean for the evolving services, and how these metrics must fit with the wider policy landscape of decarbonisation and waste sector policy reforms including EPR and consistent collections.
- Dr. Adam Read, SUEZ
- Libby Peake, Green Alliance
- Nick Molho, Aldersgate Group
- Emma Beal, West London Waste Authority
- Stuart Hayward-Higham, SUEZ
- Watch the recording