8 MARCH 2023

UNGC Transitioning to a Circular Economy

United Kingdom
From 08/03/2023 14:00:00 to 08/03/2023 15:30:00 local time
  • The United Nations Global Compact is a global platform for business and non-business entities to proactively network and engage in areas of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.


    In continuation to the UN Global Compact Network UK’s 2022 Climate Action Summit – Delivering a Net Zero Future, this online event will take a deeper dive into the specific challenges and opportunities related to the transition to a circular economy for key areas including: the built environment, critical metals and minerals, electronics, packaging, food & agriculture, and, fashion & textiles.


    Presenting his thoughts on the key challenges facing the electronics sector Stuart Hayward-Higham, Chief Technical Development and Innovation Officer for SUEZ recycling and recovery UK, participates in the Circular Economy webinar series. The electronics session explores the opportunities and practical actions that can be taken to incorporate the principles of a circular economy into electronics value chains, while also highlighting the risks of continuing with the current production and consumption patterns.

  • Find out more at www.unglobalcompact.org.uk