UK Emissions Trading Scheme – what’s next?
The waste and resources industry stands at a pivotal crossroads following the submission of consultation responses for the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS). As the government dives into reviewing the submissions and analysing the feedback from stakeholders, including industry representatives, environmental groups, and other interested parties, it's crucial for the industry to understand the way forward and its impact on their operations.
In our upcoming webinar we will deliver a holistic overview of the UK ETS consultation outcomes and their direct implications for the waste and resources sector.
Join this highly informative webinar session if you would like to improve your understanding of how UK ETS will impact your organisation. The takeaways from this session will include:
- Understand your baseline - Establishing a clear starting point to measure progress and impacts accurately.
- Gather the right data and knowledge - Identifying the necessary data and monitoring requirements to support the evolution of the emissions factor-based approach to the ETS.
- Plan for cost pass through - Strategising how to manage and potentially pass through the new costs associated with ETS compliance.
- Understanding and mapping the potential impacts of other policies on your waste compositions - Analysing how other related policies could affect your waste streams and overall operations.
- Mapping the carbon value in your products - Evaluating and optimising the carbon footprint and value of your products to align with the new regulations.
Join us with our panel of experts to uncover the latest developments from the UK Emissions Trading Scheme consultation reports and explore what lies ahead.
- Stuart Hayward-Higham, Chief Technical Development and Innovation Officer, SUEZ recycling and recovery UK [Chair]
- Dr Stewart Davies, Principal Consultant, Waste & Resources, WRc Group
- Amna Bezanty, Head of Sustainability, ESG and Policy, KEW Technology
- Jon Hastings, Head of Strategy & Development, East London Waste Authority and Chair of the National Association of Waste Disposal Officers (NAWDO)
- Watch the recording