7 OCTOBER 2024

How local waste collection choices can influence recycling performance

United Kingdom
From 07/10/2024 10:00:00 to 07/10/2024 11:00:00 local time
  • The UK's waste management landscape is undergoing significant changes. Choices made at waste collection can influence recycling performance for local authorities under local rules (those imposed by England and the devolved authorities). It is crucial that we understand how these choices and upcoming legislative changes, such as the pEPR (Packaging Extended Producer Responsibility and Emissions Trading System (ETS) impact each other.


    Join our upcoming webinar session if you would like to enhance your understanding of the most effective waste collection strategies to improve recycling rates, especially for local authorities.


    The takeaways from this session will be:

    • Cement your knowledge on the significant regulatory and legislative changes starting this month and extending into the new year.
    • Get a comprehensive overview to ensure your operations remain compliant and effective.
    • Understand how Materials Facilities (MF) regulations can support the objectives of Packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (pEPR) and create a Simpler Recycling preparation process.
    • Discover how understanding your local authority’s performance is key to efficient and effective waste collections, sorting, and ETS compliance.
    • Know more about managing Flexible Plastic Packaging including collection, handling, opportunities, challenges and recycling processes.
  • Speakers

    • Stuart Hayward-Higham, Chief Technical Development & Innovation Officer, SUEZ recycling and recovery UK
    • Dr Andy Rees OBE, Head of Waste Strategy, Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy Division, Welsh Government
    • Stuart Murray, Head of Resource Management, Zero Waste Scotland
  • Register for the webinar