AD and World Biogas Expo

NEC, Birmingham, United Kingdom
From 03/07/2019 09:30:00 to 04/07/2019 16:00:00 local time
  • SUEZ will be represented by Amaya Arias-Garcia, our Engineering Design Manager, at the AD and World Biogas Expo, the largest International trade show solely dedicated to anaerobic digestion and biogas, taking place on 03 July 2019.

    One of the main topics will be dedicated to "the engine room" and all you need to know about plant optimisation. During the session dedicated to "Novel uses for digestate", Amaya will present the results of a study into removing digestate from farms and utilising elsewhere.

  • Speakers

    Amaya Arias-Garcia
  • For more information, visit
  • Associated events