RWM 2018

Birmingham, United Kingdom
From 12/09/2018 09:00:00 to 13/09/2018 17:00:00 local time
  • Highlights included David Palmer-Jones, our Chief Executive Officer, opening the event on the ‘CEO panel’; Dr Adam Read, External Affairs Director, joined panellists to discuss the future of extended producer responsibility in advance of the EU and government reports due later this year; and Stuart Hayward-Higham, Technical Development Director, joined a panel that examines the future of weight-based targets. Visitors also heard from Gary Mayson, who joins the panel on financing the future of energy-from-waste and Mark Woodroffe, who joined the panel discussion on markets and recyclates quality.


    As per previous years, SUEZ sponsored the Circular Economy Theatre in hall 4, located within the Future Resource section. We also have a relaxing space, the Circular Economy Connect Lounge, where you could find refreshments throughout the show.

  • Speakers