The basics
Who is SUEZ?
SUEZ recycling and recovery UK is one of the country’s leading providers of innovative recycling and waste management services. We employ more than 5,500 people in the UK and since 1988, have been managing waste for our local authority and business customers. SUEZ has had a presence in the North East for over 25 years and currently employs 516 people in the region across 33 sites.
SUEZ currently operates two existing energy-from-waste facilities and a household waste recycling centre at the Haverton Hill Industrial Estate in Billingham.
What is SUEZ proposing to do?
SUEZ is proposing to develop a carbon capture plant on disused land alongside its existing energy-from-waste facilities at the Haverton Hill Industrial Estate in Billingham.
Carbon Capture and Storage is an essential part of SUEZ’s Net Zero plans, as well as the wider vision to achieve Net Zero for the Tees Valley and the UK by 2050.
- SUEZ is proposing to develop a carbon capture plant on disused industrial land alongside its existing energy-from-waste facilities at the Haverton Hill Industrial Estate in Billingham.
- The proposed plant would benefit the environment by decarbonising SUEZ’s energy-from-waste facility in Billingham.
- This is part of the much bigger East Coast Cluster CCS project – funding for the main pipeline for Teesside is already in place and, if approved, the main pipeline will run through SUEZ’s site. Our proposed new plant will ‘plug in’ to that main pipeline and will help Teesside and the UK’s drive to Net Zero.
Why is carbon capture and storage important?
Where is SUEZ proposing to do this?
When is SUEZ proposing to open the new plant?
The proposed plant
How big would the proposed SUEZ carbon capture plant be?
When would construction start and when would the plant open?
When would lorries be travelling to and from the site?
We would work very closely with our hauliers to set up timed slots to phase the arrival of lorries that would bring in raw materials.
Any impact on the local community is being considered and further information will be available later in the planning process.
Have you got any future expansion plans?
Employment and opportunities in North East England
What kind of jobs will you be creating?
Will the jobs be available to local people?
Will you be working with local contractors during construction and operation?
Community and environmental impact around the site
Would it be noise, dusty or smelly?
How many additional vehicle movements would the plant create?
What would be emitted from the stacks?
Would it be light at night?
Will the carbon capture plant affect the supply of electricity to local homes and businesses?
What will ongoing community engagement and relations look like?
SUEZ will be continually engaging with the local community to make the development as positive an experience as it can be for all.
There will be a range of options for interested parties to get in touch with SUEZ to find out more and/or give their feedback as part of the consultation process. This will include (alongside the website):
- by phone – 0191 258 8275
- by email – [email protected]
- by post – FREEPOST Planning feedback, PO Box 6112, SUEZ House, 13-35 Grenfell Road, Maidenhead
How would the process work?
Our Carbon Capture plant would decarbonise the process of creating energy from the non-recyclable household waste collected from across North East England that is processed at lines 1-3 of SUEZ’s energy-from-waste facility in Billingham.
Once operational, we estimate that this project will remove in excess of 90% of fossil and biogenic CO₂ emissions from the plant, leading to it becoming carbon negative.
The proposed SUEZ plant would capture 240,000 tonnes of carbon every year.