Your challenges

Longer-term contracts can generate economies of scale for contractors and local authorities.

Given the ongoing pressure on local authority funding and rising expectations of the public and demands of policymakers, the challenge is to ensure best value for council taxpayers without stifling innovation and the evolution of the service.

SUEZ has a track record of transforming services and outcomes on inherited contracts. Our mobilisation teams are adept at ensuring a seamless transition on new contracts and services changes during a contract term. And we commit to continuous improvement of performance.

Our solutions

Commitment to working in partnership and a flexible approach to service development are fundamental to productive and enduring relationships.

These give us the opportunity to deliver multiple and/or significant changes to service provision. SUEZ has a strong track record of enhancing and expanding the services we provide over time.

This collaborative environment is also conducive to innovation, so we can more easily apply new lessons learned in other local authority areas, as well as the applications arising from our ongoing research projects and partnerships with external specialists.

There is also scope to achieve further incremental improvements through the application of Lean principles.
This is especially true of our public private partnership (PPP) contracts, which typically run for 25 years. These comprehensive arrangements cover the funding, design, construction and long-term operation of large-scale municipal recycling and waste treatment facilities. We now have a dozen public private partnerships in place.

Our expertise

All our contract teams are led by high-calibre managers with solid experience of the industry. At their disposal they have well-trained staff and ready access to specialist support in a range of areas:


  • Data capture and analysis.
  • In-house experts in procurement, logistics, communications and technical disciplines.
  • Human Resources team specialising in integration of transferring employees.
  • International best practice shared by the wider group.
  • World-leading in-house research and collaborations with external specialists in a wide range of relevant fields.


Local authorities also have the added benefit of partnering with a company that is leading our industry’s movement towards a circular economy and the SUEZ vision of a society where there is no more waste.

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