The mission
The objective was to maximise recyclability of Dunlop’s 130 tonnes of waste per annum.
Dunlop and SUEZ recycling and recovery UK devised a strategy to lead the group towards a zero waste future through innovative thinking and novel practices.
Dunlop’s main waste streams include standard cardboard and plastic wrapping materials which are simple to bale and sell on the recycled materials market. The real challenge was to devise a recycling regime for the various grades of rubber.
Our solution
Separating grades of rubber was the key. Previously all grades of rubber were rolled together to form an amorphous mass with limited re-use potential. In the past Dunlop paid waste contractors to dispose of this material.
New practices now separate the rubber into waste streams. Each stream has a specific recycled use case where its utility and rebate value are maximised.
These streams include the ‘buffings’ (rubber dust) and ‘peelings’ (spaghetti like rubber shavings).
Support from Bill Fell of Carlisle based International Rubber and Tyre was vital to achieve the efficient baling operation needed to attract the highest rebates. He also assisted in sourcing a disposal point for the buffings and peelings, so achieving 100% diversion of waste from landfill.
Buffings are now sold to Cemex as a mixer for RDF (refuse derived fuel) contributing to production of lower carbon masonry blocks.
Peelings are shipped abroad to be repurposed for moulding the hard feet of traffic cones and solid rubber tyres for the Indian market.
The results
With support from SUEZ the UK operation is immensely proud to lead the group by reducing their waste production from 130 tonnes a year to an impressive zero.
- The Dunlop-SUEZ partnership now converts 15 tonnes of waste per month into saleable recycled materials. Now nothing goes to waste.
- 130 original tonnes of waste per annum now earns valuable recycling rebates, so dramatically reducing the waste bill.