To give back from recycling to the local community in Doncaster
The SUEZ Doncaster Environment Fund
The proceeds from the sale of textiles and small waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) items collected at the kerbside in Doncaster were dedicated to financing the SUEZ Doncaster Environment Fund. Local community groups were invited to apply to this fund to help pay for projects that benefit the environment.
Working closely with the local authority, we agreed the grant criteria and promoted the funding opportunities through the local newspaper, social media, schools and community groups. SUEZ Communities Trust provided advice on evaluating applications.
The results
Over the first 12 months of the contract, 65 tonnes of textiles were collected and 51 tonnes of waste electrical and electronic equipment. This raised £20,000 for the fund.
A total of 35 applications were received and nine grants were awarded. The projects supported ranged from new bins for litter and dog waste in a woodland park to an ‘outdoor classroom’ for a school, including waterproof clothing for children, binoculars, feeders, planting and a wildlife pond.
The awards were announced at a specially organised Environment Forum event. Residents and community group representatives heard presentations on environmental issues and participants made ‘green pledges’ to take action at home to protect the environment.