To enhance social value by putting surplus IT equipment to good use

SUEZ is committed to creating social value throughout the business’ activities. With the triple bottom line approach imbedded into the organisation, SUEZ focuses on the wider economic, social and environmental impacts of their operations, implementing nationwide initiatives and local projects.


Prior to partnering with Computers 4 Charity, redundant desktop computers were being recycled at a SUEZ depot. An opportunity was spotted to go a step further and look at ways to reuse computers, further contributing to the circular economy.

Our solution

In 2014, SUEZ teamed up with not-for-profit organisation Computers 4 Charity, donating used desktop units. These have been refurbished by the organisation and passed onto to a variety of charitable causes in the UK and overseas.


A total of 949 computers have been donated since 2020, helping various communities in need, from unemployed veterans to young carers and hospice patients.


SUEZ also contributed 25 desktop units as part of the largest single onward donation to School Gambia, a small charity that builds schools in Africa. These donations help to make technology more accessible, while tackling the digital divide across the region.

The results

Beyond enhancing the wellbeing of communities in need, the initiative has had a positive impact on the environment.


Refurbishing a computer extends its lifespan and reduces the need for new ones to be manufactured - saving carbon emissions. Since 2020, SUEZ has prevented 190 tonnes of carbon emissions from being released into the atmosphere and reinforcing their commitment to boost social value.

“SUEZ are benefitting people, as well as the planet,” said George Cook, Honorary Chief Executive of Computers 4 Charity. “Jobs are provided for the unemployed in the refurbishing process and devices donated to young carers, homeless youth, hospices, charity volunteers, unemployed veterans, bereaved forces children and UK charities supporting schools in Africa. SUEZ are a force for good!”



donated since 2020



of CO2 prevented from being released into the atmosphere*

* Computers 4 Charity dismantles, refurbishes, rebuilds and upgrades PCs doubling their working lives from 5 years to 10. Each device given a second life through the refurbishing process means a new one does not have to be manufactured and over 80% of a computer’s carbon footprint is in its production; every refurbished laptop saving the planet from 150kg of CO2 emissions and each desktop 250kg of CO2. Calculated on the basis of United Nations E-waste Coalition A New Circular Vision for Electronics: Time for Global Reboot 2019 & Harvard University Smaller, faster, greener: Examining the environmental impact of computation and the future of green computing, 2021

Supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Contributing to good causes, while helping to reduce carbon emissions contributes to SDG 4, SGD 12, SDG 13 and SDG 17.