Giving something back

Talking rubbish - SUEZ bin crew visit nursery children

Local bin crew from SUEZ recycling and recovery UK visited nursery children in Badminton to talk about their jobs and what happens to rubbish.

The children at Dragonflies Nursery had an exciting and educational visit from the SUEZ team who also took their waste collection truck along as part of the nursery’s lessons teaching young children about important roles in the local community.

The visit, organised by Stacey Akers, Key Account Executive at SUEZ gave children the opportunity to learn about the responsibilities of bin men, the process of waste collection, and the importance of proper waste disposal. The children were thrilled to see the bin crew in action, operating the truck and emptying the bins, while also learning about recycling and ways to reduce waste.

Laura Scammell, Assistant Manager at Dragonflies Nursery, Badminton said "We are always looking for innovative ways to educate our children about the world around them, and inviting local key workers like the bin crew to visit our school is a great way to do that. The children loved the visit and are still talking about it now, it was such a memorable visit and a great learning experience, we can’t wait for the next visit’."

The children were eager to ask questions and engage with the crew, who were happy to share their knowledge and expertise with the young audience. The visit not only provided a fun and interactive learning experience but also fostered a sense of appreciation and respect for key workers in the community.

"We were delighted to visit Dragonflies Nursery and educate the children about our role within the community," said Craig Rodgers, Key Account Executive. "It was heartwarming to see the children's enthusiasm and curiosity. Educating the next generation about what we do with waste is really important and we hope to be able to run similar sessions with other nursery’s and schools in the local area. We hope the experience will inspire them to learn more about different key workers in our community, perhaps some future bin men and women ! ”.

Darren Hook, Service Delivery Supervisor at SUEZ said, “It was great to be able to visit Dragonflies Nursery and teach the kids all about what we do to help protect our environment.”.

SUEZ are keen to support the education around waste and recycling and have a library of educational resources available on their website tailored to different age groups and school stages, as well as a range of visitor and education centres around the country at a variety of facilities.