SUEZ welcomes CIWM's new Policy & Innovation Forum
Following a review by the CIWM Trustee Board, the new Policy and Innovation (P&I) Forum brings together academics, leaders and specialists with the expertise to shape the future of the waste sector, offering thought leadership and valuable insights for the CIWM’s members and stakeholders.
Dr Adam Read, Chief Sustainability and External Affairs Officer for SUEZ recycling and recovery UK, and a member of the forum, said: “This group combines the experience and vision necessary to shape the future of our sector and ensure that the CIWM is at the heart of both policy and practice.
“It will be a valuable resource to help the Circular Economy Taskforce to tackle short term priorities whilst also gearing up for the systemic changes needed in technology, policy and behaviour to successfully complete that journey.
“I’m delighted to be a part of this activity and look forward to working with my colleagues on the Forum.”
The P&I Forum membership includes:
- Marcus Gover (Chair) former CEO at WRAP,
- Emma Beal of West London Waste Authority,
- Susan Evans from Resource Futures,
- Jacob Hayler of ESA,
- Wayne Hubbard from ReLondon,
- Chris Jonas of Tolvik,
- Lorna Pannett of Ricardo,
- Chris Sherrington of Eunomia,
- Claire Shrewsbury from WRAP,
- Sophie Thomas of Etsaw,
- Costa Velis of UCL,
- Tim Walker from arc21 (and CIWM’s President),
- Dan Cooke, CIWM Director of Policy, Communications and External Affairs,
- Lee Marshall, CIWM Director of Innovation.