Apprenticeship Co-op Levy Share
Businesses can sign up to the Levy Share Scheme on the Co-op Levy Share website. Once on the website, businesses are matched up with other levy donating organisations.
During registration, you will be asked to ‘advertise’ what level and how many apprenticeships you wish to be funded through this share scheme. You will then complete a diversity stencil, which needs to be completed for the apprentice/s that you are seeking to support before approval can be given. The Co-op Levy Share Scheme helps match you with a donating organisation, based on the parameters they wish to fund, locality and other factors.
It is then at the discretion of the donating organisation to decide which and how many of the apprenticeships they wish to fund. At the moment, SUEZ is using its levy share to support the development of green skills, but this may expand depending on what matches occur.
For more information and to sign up as a levy receiving organisation, please follow this link:
Here are some links to useful info for receiving organisations:
If you have registered, or are planning to register, on the Co-op Levy share website then please get in touch so that we can look out for you.